amazing women

Sunday, August 13, 2006

0nce again I'm feeling the cycles in my life coming to a close. and new ones beginning.

As I observe my life and the people in it. Watching their days and the words that they say, being amazed. blown away by the amazing women in my life. such vibratn succulent beings. I swear I can see their wings. I swear if you knew them, you'd see that they glow.

I sat tonight between my older cousin who radiates warmth and love and my younger cousin who was glowing and filled the room with happiness and joy. I felt so completely blessed to have these types of people in my life, enriching my journey. Loving me so much, and I, loving them in return.

I am reminded of others, who have come before, whom I do my best to walk the same path as them. My grandmother, an amazingly strong soul, who's strength was passed to me when she passed away 2 years ago. I still think of her everyday, and I smile knowing that she is a part of me always. Her strength.

Today was my younger cousin's 30th birthday. she is my soul-sister. We have always been close, but it has only been in the past 10 years that we've connected on so many more levels than just "cousins". We have connected as women. I truly call her my best friend.

My older cousin, although 10+ years older than us, has always been the cousin we've refered to as the "fun cousin". She always took the time to acknowledge us "younger" ones when we were small. And now that we are adults, it's so easy to turn to her and give back everything she gave to us. Her time, love and understanding. It is so wonderful to sit and talk and have her completely understand what is going on in my head. She really does think like me. And I don't even have to say it out loud, and she knows how I think.

I honor these women. These important women in my life. They shape my world. They mold my soul. They guide my path. And make me stronger.


Katie said...

I love how relationships change and strengthen as we grow older. I'm enjoying a new closeness with my youngest sister who recently married. Wonderful tribute to your cousins!